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Often, classics are better left as is. And such is the case with New York's revamped "I ♥ NY" design. Yep. On March 20, New York hard-launched a new campaign with a new logo: We ♥ NYC.

We ♥ NYC supposedly conveys unity (hence, the "we") and symbolizes hope during these dire times — the pandemic, countless shootings, etc. Though, the new mark of NY seems more specific to the city rather than the state as a whole like the original. But hey, what do I know?

According to New York governor Kathy Hochul, the new graphic "captures that energy and preserves the city's spirit by encouraging New Yorkers of every background to come together, get involved, and make a positive change in their community."

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Trust me, I see the vision, but did we have to go and completely ruin the OG "I ♥ NY"? It was fine as is!

The original graphic is so simple but impactful. The iconic logo remains a huge tourist attraction, having graced NY memorabilla like tees and accessories for years now (even natives have a t-shirt or two). Not to mention, it's been adapted and spun countless times by fashion labels (Theophilio and Kith x ABC most recently issued their own interpretations).

I ♥ NY was the product of designer Milton Glaser, who scribbled the concept on an envelope with a crayon while riding in a taxi — a peak NY origin story, if you will.

We ♥ NYC, on the other hand, just isn't hitting like the original.

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According to designer Graham Clifford, who supervised the creation of We ♥ NYC, the revamped logo referenced the original but went for a more modern feel.

The typeface draws cues from subway signage as a nod to the many personalities — again, more of that "we" — traveling on the train daily. I'm not entirely sure what happened with the heart, which looks like someone made it on Microsoft Paint (2004).

By the way, is anyone else reading it as "WE NYC ♥" or is it just me?

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Social media naturally had its fair share of reactions to the ruining of a timeless emblem of the city. "The original looks like the voice of a city. The new one looks like the voice of an investment bank or possibly a healthcare provider," one person tweeted.

"The impact of the iconic 'I ❤️ NY' comes from its simplicity, its boldness, the foursquare arrangement of its elements," another tweeter said. "The *kind of* 3D heart jutting out feels oddly *less* substantial, uglier, detached."

"That new logo just feels like NY's flop era."

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Now, this isn't the end of the I ♥ NY era, instead WE ♥ NYC will exist alongside it. Now, can we please do something about the things that actually matter, like solutions to the ongoing rat and trash problems? Sincerely, a tired New York resident.

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