5 Tumblrs We're Enjoying This Week: Pornhub Comments on Stock Photos, Ugly Renaissance Babies, Taxidermy Fails and More
We're reporting back with yet another generous serving of pure Tumblr goodness. This week we take a look at stock photos mixed with random comments from Pornhub, nightmare-inducing taxidermy fails, ugly Renaissance babies and much more.
As always, leave comment or a link to your Tumblr blog or both down in the comments section.
Pornhub Comments On Stock Photos
Pornhub comments paired with random stock photos of dudes in front of their computers make for a more than hilarious outcome.
For those of you who just can't get enough of that sweet sweet eye-candy.
As if taxidermy wasn't already creepy enough.
Enjoy a hands-on history lesson via Histagram.
A roundup of less than beautiful Renaissance paintings of little Baby Jesus.